dForce Ecosystem Update — September 2022

Welcome to dForce monthly ecosystem updates. This is where we keep our community up-to-date about what’s happened in the past month, and what’s coming up.


September was a big month for dForce, having striked events with a couple of large blockchain communities — Arbitrum and Binance.

  • dForce was invited to Arbitrum’s Twitter Space where we talked through our L2 strategies as well as future development plans. Learn More
  • dForce was invited to hold an AMA in Binance Telegram community and shared future plans of the dForce DAO. Learn More


In September, dForce recorded a TVL of $189.9m, with 62.1% parked on Arbitrum, 19.6% on Binance Smart Chain, 6.7% on Ethereum, 6.0% on Optimism, 2.1% on Kava, and 2.1% on Avalanche, and 1.5% on Polygon.


As of 30th September 2022, the total circulating supply of USX is $158.4m, with 70.6% of liquidity currently parked on Arbitrum, 10.7% on BSC, 6.3% on Optimism, 6.2% on Ethereum, 2.5% on Kava, 2.5% on Avalanche, and 1.1% on Polygon.

Approximately 66.3% of USX liquidity is parked on Arbitrum, BSC, and Optimism to facilitate cross-chain expansions, 13.8% on on cBridge (cross-chain swap), 12.2% on lending, 4.5% sitting in wallets with market participants, and 3.2% on DEXes.


In September, dForce Lending recorded a total supply of $78.4m, with 57.3% on Binance Smart Chain, Aribitrum 14.8%, Ethereum 12.3%, Polygon 8.7%, and Optimism 6.7%.

Total accumulated borrowing grew to $1.4b, representing an increase of 1.2% from the previous month in new loan originations.


dForce recorded an Annualized Platform Revenue of $847K in September, with 33.1% generated on Binance Smart Chain, 28.7% on Polygon, 16.0% on Optimism, 15.9% on Arbitrum, and 6.3% on Ethereum.

Liquidity Mining

dForce has ongoing liquidity mining initiatives on Ethereum, Arbitrum, Polygon, Optimism, and Binance Smart Chain. Please visit dForce Forum to view the gauge (update on a weekly basis) and click here to see related tutorials.

Product Development

We’ve had some exciting product updates in September.

  • dForce Protocol was fully integrated with the Ethereum PoS upgrade
  • Oracle V3 was launched on the Ethereum main network, adapting to PoS upgrade
  • Oracle V3 was released for BSC, Optimism, and Polygon
  • Dapp integrated with Rabby wallet and Brave wallet
  • Dapp integrated with WalletConnect
  • DEX integrated with USX LSR and released on Ethereum mainnet and Arbitrum
  • DEX transaction query optimization was updated for transaction query, transaction execution, and transaction completion

There are also some exciting developments in progress. Namely:

  • Multi-chain liquidity aggregation through dForce Trade. This will continue to support additional cross-chain transaction and liquidity aggregation of assets
  • EUX liquidity provision through POO
  • Dapp multi-module optimization, unified style, and interactive optimization


This month had a notable marketing calendar with various high-profile partners from the industry inviting dForce to AMAs and thought leadership discussions.

Arbitrum invited Mindao, Core Contributor of dForce to the Arbitrum Twitter space AMA to talk about DeFi, dForce, and everything in between.

Missed the call? Don’t worry — here’s a recap for your curious minds. Read the full recap here.

Binance invited Mindao, Core Contributor at dForce to join the BAB discussion: Learn More

Binance also hosted Mindao, Core Contributor at dForce for the AMA in Binance Telegram community: Learn More

At the time of writing, dForce was the #4 lending protocol on Optimism by TVL growth: Learn More

We welcome you to join our community to participate in related discussions.

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